Presentation of LIFE Pro Bearded Vulture to the environmental agents and technicians of the Guadarrama National Park.

Last March, the two bearded vultures released in Gredos in the framework of the LIFE Pro Bearded Vulture project, settled for several months in the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park, which suggests The national park will become one of the most important points during the dispersal process in the coming years.
For this reason, the team of technicians of the Fundación para la Conservación del Quebrantahuesos (FCQ) of the LIFE project in Gredos organized, together with the National Park, a training session for the technicians of the park and forest agents of the Community of Madrid. The event took place at the Albergue Los Batanes, in Rascafría.
It was chaired by Juan Antonio Vielva, director of the Center for Research, Monitoring and Evaluation of the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park. Among other aspects, the historical distribution of the species in the central system, its biology and identification, main threats and the potential synergies between the park rangers and technicians and the project’s actions were analyzed.
During the afternoon, forestry agents from the Community of Madrid and technicians from the National Park showed the FCQ team the main enclaves where the bearded vultures have been, and were able to verify the high quality of the habitat for the species and the abundance of food.
With this event, the National Park joins the efforts for the recovery of the species in the Central System.