Presentation of LIFE Pro Bearded Vulture to the staff of the Park Houses of Gredos, Batuecas-Sierra de Francia and Iruelas.

Presentation of LIFE Pro Bearded Vulture to the staff of the Park Houses of Gredos, Batuecas-Sierra de Francia and Iruelas.
This conference is a continuation of the one held at the end of March, which focused on environmental agents and guards. In this case, the training day was aimed at the staff of the Casas del Parque, which are the information and meeting points of the protected areas of Castilla y León, both for visitors and for the local population, through which thousands of visitors and schoolchildren pass every year. They are staffed by teams of environmental educators and interpreters, and offer detailed information about the protected areas and their surroundings, as well as the different possibilities of enjoyment that they offer through the network of trails, viewpoints, recreational areas or other elements of interest.
A total of 17 people attended, including representatives of the Fundación Patrimonio Natural de Castilla y León in Avila and Salamanca, as well as the director of the Sierra de Gredos Regional Park.