- Published On: 28 de June de 2022
Two new bearded vultures fly over the Maestrazgo area of Teruel. Sabino' and 'Masía' are the first of the 15 birds that are expected to be incorporated in the territory during the next five years of the 'LIFE Corridors for the Bearded Vulture' project. Sabino' and 'Masía' are the first of the 15 specimens [...]
- Published On: 15 de June de 2022
The bearded vulture visits Maestrazgo schools Entre el 14 y 15 de junio, el equipo del proyecto Life Pro Quebrantahuesos visitó los colegios de Pitarque, Villarluengo, Fortanete, Iglesuela del Cid y Cantalavieja. En total participaron 119 alumnos y 14 profesores. Las jornadas estuvieron destinadas a promote the bearded vulture among schoolchildren, and propose future [...]
- Published On: 26 de May de 2022
Two bearded vultures arrive to the Maestrazgo to be released. They are the first of about twenty birds that are intended to be reintroduced in the territory in 5 years thanks to the LIFE Project 'Iberian Corridors for the Bearded Vulture' promoted by the Foundation for the Conservation of this species with the support [...]
- Published On: 26 de May de 2022
The first two bearded vultures have settled in Maestrazgo a month after their arrival. An agreement with the Mas de las Matas slaughterhouse facilitates their feeding. Fifteen specimens will be reintroduced in the next 5 years. The first two bearded vultures that are already flying over the Maestrazgo region of Teruel are evolving very [...]
- Published On: 20 de May de 2022
Gredos y el Maestrazgo ya listos para recibir los primeros quebrantahuesos During the first half of May, the installation of the platforms that will house the bearded vultures on loan from the Government of Aragon in Gredos and Maestrazgo was completed. It is a very light scaffolding structure, on which four boxes are located, [...]
- Published On: 30 de March de 2022
Presentation of the LIFE project "Iberian corridors for the Bearded Vulture"in Teruel. This Wednesday has been presented the LIFE project "Iberian Corridors for the Bearded Vulture" (LIFE20 NAT/ES/001363 - LIFE Pro Bearded Vulture) in the Parador de Alcañiz (Teruel). The project, coordinated by the Foundation for the Conservation of the Bearded Vulture (FCQ), has [...]