- Published On: 9 de September de 2022
Mr. Blanco visited in Bejes (Cillorigo de Liébana) the actions that this group is developing in the region of Liébana to recover the species and promote the support of extensive sheep farming. The Minister of Rural Development, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and Environment, Guillermo Blanco, today reaffirmed the commitment of support of the Government of Cantabria [...]
- Published On: 29 de August de 2022
One of the Bearded Vultures of the European LIFE project released in Maestrazgo was found dead. Veterinarians and specialists will perform the necropsy in La Alfranca. The technical team of the European LIFE program has found this Monday in the Maestrazgo the carcass of one of the two bearded vultures that were part of [...]
- Published On: 21 de July de 2022
The foundations are laid to promote nature tourism in Maestrazgo, using the bearded vulture as a flag species. The day with entrepreneurs in the tourism sector, livestock and various business associations, took place in the town of Mirambel, to seek a meeting between all to value the bearded vulture in the territory and, [...]
- Published On: 30 de June de 2022
The same day of the release of the bearded vultures in Teruel, 3 bearded vultures were released in Picos de Europa. The bearded vultures Nora, Bali and Ceferino were released on 28-6-2022 in the Picos de Europa National Park. These are two females, "Nora and "Bali" and a male "Ceferino" ceded by the Government [...]
- Published On: 28 de June de 2022
Two new bearded vultures fly over the Maestrazgo area of Teruel. Sabino' and 'Masía' are the first of the 15 birds that are expected to be incorporated in the territory during the next five years of the 'LIFE Corridors for the Bearded Vulture' project. Sabino' and 'Masía' are the first of the 15 specimens [...]
- Published On: 15 de June de 2022
The bearded vulture visits Maestrazgo schools Entre el 14 y 15 de junio, el equipo del proyecto Life Pro Quebrantahuesos visitó los colegios de Pitarque, Villarluengo, Fortanete, Iglesuela del Cid y Cantalavieja. En total participaron 119 alumnos y 14 profesores. Las jornadas estuvieron destinadas a promote the bearded vulture among schoolchildren, and propose future [...]
- Published On: 14 de June de 2022
TheFCQ together with the Junta de Castilla y León has released today the first two bearded vultures in the Sierra de Gredos. These specimens, on loan from the Government of Aragon, will be the first of 15 birds that will be incorporated in the territory of Avila during the 5 years of the project, [...]
- Published On: 28 de May de 2022
Climbing and respect for the environment go hand in hand in Gredos. El pasado día 28 de mayo se dieron cita en la La casa del Parque de Hoyos del Espino (Parque Regional de la Sierra Gredos), un variado grupo de colectivos vinculados a la escalada. The objective was to assess the relationship between [...]
- Published On: 26 de May de 2022
The first two bearded vultures have settled in Maestrazgo a month after their arrival. An agreement with the Mas de las Matas slaughterhouse facilitates their feeding. Fifteen specimens will be reintroduced in the next 5 years. The first two bearded vultures that are already flying over the Maestrazgo region of Teruel are evolving very [...]
- Published On: 26 de May de 2022
Two bearded vultures arrive to the Maestrazgo to be released. They are the first of about twenty birds that are intended to be reintroduced in the territory in 5 years thanks to the LIFE Project 'Iberian Corridors for the Bearded Vulture' promoted by the Foundation for the Conservation of this species with the support [...]