- Published On: 27 de October de 2023
The eleven students of the training and employment program Forest Uses Candeleda-Gredos, visited the Casa del Parque de Hoyos del Espino, where they learned about the activities carried out on the north side of Gredos. The team of the Bearded Vulture Foundation explained the activities being developed in the area under the LIFE Pro Bearded [...]
- Published On: 20 de October de 2023
The farmers of the "Lechazos Pro-Biodiversity" Guarantee Brand received training on fundamental aspects of animal welfare in extensive mountain livestock farming. This is a very specific training, since there was nothing focused on this type of livestock farming. Everything that had been done so far was aimed at intensive livestock farming. In order to carry [...]
- Published On: 16 de May de 2023
Last Monday the FCQ presented the LIFE Pro Bearded Vulture project to the members of SEPRONA and GREIM of the Avila command in the Casa del Parque de Hoyos del Espino. During the conference, the details of the project were explained and special emphasis was placed on the aspects in which the Civil Guard can [...]
- Published On: 24 de April de 2023
Last March, the two bearded vultures released in Gredos in the framework of the LIFE Pro Bearded Vulture project, settled for several months in the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park, which suggests The national park will become one of the most important points during the dispersal process in the coming years. For this reason, the [...]
- Published On: 21 de July de 2022
The foundations are laid to promote nature tourism in Maestrazgo, using the bearded vulture as a flag species. The day with entrepreneurs in the tourism sector, livestock and various business associations, took place in the town of Mirambel, to seek a meeting between all to value the bearded vulture in the territory and, [...]
- Published On: 28 de May de 2022
Climbing and respect for the environment go hand in hand in Gredos. El pasado día 28 de mayo se dieron cita en la La casa del Parque de Hoyos del Espino (Parque Regional de la Sierra Gredos), un variado grupo de colectivos vinculados a la escalada. The objective was to assess the relationship between [...]
- Published On: 19 de May de 2022
Presentation of LIFE Pro Bearded Vulture to the staff of the Park Houses of Gredos, Batuecas-Sierra de Francia and Iruelas. This conference is a continuation of the one held at the end of March, which focused on environmental agents and guards. In this case, the training day was aimed at the staff of the [...]
- Published On: 24 de March de 2022
Presentación del LIFE Pro Quebrantahuesos a los agentes medioambientales y celadores de Gredos, Batuecas-Sierra de Francia, Iruelas. El pasado 24 de marzo tuvo lugar una jornada de presentación del proyecto a la guardería, los celadores y técnicos del Parque Regional de Gredos, a los que también se sumaron los equipos del Parque Natural Las [...]