- Published On: 11 de December de 2022
On December 10, FCQ presented the LIFE project in an event organized by the city council in the nature classroom of El Raso. The audience, 22 people, showed great interest in the return of the species to the Sierra de Gredos.
- Published On: 25 de November de 2022
Gredos is one of the most frequented breeding areas by the Sandgrouse released in Cazorla by the Junta de Andalución during their juvenile dispersal period. This circumstance has been the trigger for the two projects to strengthen their relationship. At the end of November, two technicians of the Necrophagous Bird Recovery and Conservation Plan of [...]
- Published On: 14 de June de 2022
TheFCQ together with the Junta de Castilla y León has released today the first two bearded vultures in the Sierra de Gredos. These specimens, on loan from the Government of Aragon, will be the first of 15 birds that will be incorporated in the territory of Avila during the 5 years of the project, [...]
- Published On: 28 de May de 2022
Climbing and respect for the environment go hand in hand in Gredos. El pasado día 28 de mayo se dieron cita en la La casa del Parque de Hoyos del Espino (Parque Regional de la Sierra Gredos), un variado grupo de colectivos vinculados a la escalada. The objective was to assess the relationship between [...]
- Published On: 20 de May de 2022
Gredos y el Maestrazgo ya listos para recibir los primeros quebrantahuesos During the first half of May, the installation of the platforms that will house the bearded vultures on loan from the Government of Aragon in Gredos and Maestrazgo was completed. It is a very light scaffolding structure, on which four boxes are located, [...]
- Published On: 19 de May de 2022
Presentation of LIFE Pro Bearded Vulture to the staff of the Park Houses of Gredos, Batuecas-Sierra de Francia and Iruelas. This conference is a continuation of the one held at the end of March, which focused on environmental agents and guards. In this case, the training day was aimed at the staff of the [...]
- Published On: 24 de March de 2022
Presentación del LIFE Pro Quebrantahuesos a los agentes medioambientales y celadores de Gredos, Batuecas-Sierra de Francia, Iruelas. El pasado 24 de marzo tuvo lugar una jornada de presentación del proyecto a la guardería, los celadores y técnicos del Parque Regional de Gredos, a los que también se sumaron los equipos del Parque Natural Las [...]
- Published On: 17 de March de 2022
On March 17 took place the official presentation of the LIFE "Iberian Corridors for the Bearded Vulture", a project that began on January 1 and will run until January 2027. This initiative, recently approved by the European Commission, has as its main beneficiary the Foundation for the Conservation of the Bearded Vulture. The presentation of [...]